Board of Zoning Appeals
The BZA was created by the BMA per the need established in the Town of Louisville Zoning Ordinance. This Board has been delegated the authority to review the actions of the building official in relation to the specifics of the zoning ordinance, review requests by property owners for special exceptions to the zoning ordinance and review requests by property owners for variances from the zoning ordinance. The Board has a somewhat legal court-based approach to questions brought by request from citizens. It is not a Board for handling general complaints about zoning issues. Those type of requests will be referred to the Town Codes Official or to the BMA. The driving principle for the BZA is that the Board does not make law, but only interprets the existing law via the Louisville Zoning Ordinance for solving legitimate issues. All decisions of the BZA are final and may not be appealed. Any appeals must be filed with the Chancery Court in Blount County. Click on the following link for detailed guidelines for submitting an appeal to the BZA. Guidelines for BZA Appeals
Members of the BZA are appointed by the BMA. They are unpaid volunteers. Current members appointed to five-year terms are listed below with their term expiration year and contact information.
Charles Perry(2025)
Danny Harbin, Vice-Chairman, (2027)
Dan McKee, (2027)
Robyn Moore, Secretary, (2024)
Bobby Queen, (2025)